Colored Pencils

There are SO many different approaches for teaching colored pencils! I know I am not the first to come up with a handout but I’m here to share my resources with the internet! Feel free to share or print the following handouts.

I demoed how to shade a larger sphere on the back before allowing them to shade the smaller spheres on the front. Once they know how to shade one, they can shade them all using different color families.

Here is the colored pencil handout. Each piece of paper has 2 shading sections, meaning, these are intended to be half sheets.

The following handout has good tips and tricks for students (and adults who are Prismacolor beginners). The top portion has good advice and even some product recommendations.

Be sure to go over each bullet point with your students. I even took the initiative to bold and underline key vocab terms.

The bottom portion has the color families listed with exact Prismacolor names. For example, if you are shading a violet sphere, “Parma Violet, Violet, Violet Blue” would be the go to colors for that particular color family.

The colors are arranged from highlight/lightest to darkest (top to bottom). The shadows can be substituted for complimentary colors Or instead of tuscan red, you can use crimson red.

I added a completed color version of the color pencil technique handout on the backside of this handout. I highly recommend printing this handout in color. However, if you don’t have access to a colored printer, be sure to only print the tips/tricks side.

Here is the Prismacolor 101 handout.

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